sabato 11 aprile 2015


Associazioni artistico-naturaliste

La foto scattata da Erica al Museo Oceanografico di Monaco
è accostata all'opera "Naturaleza abstracta" della pittrice Sandra Lovera.
"Naturaleza abstracta" pittura a olio, 2011.
Opera nata grazie alla guida e all'insegnamento della pittrice Ildemary Vizcaya.

Sandra Lovera was born in Turin, Italy.
Sandra always showed her inclination for the arts.
Since she was very young she learned painting on ceramics, and, as she emigrated to Venezuela, she studied and practiced this art under the direction of Prof. Piero Ferrara. 

These first works show a surprising pictorial precision, together with an exact and harmonic spatial arrangement of all the objects.

During the last period of time Sandra drew her attention to interiors, doors, windows, fruits. Loving nature and everything man cannot destroy, Sandra has dedicated a series of her works to the reproduction of the deep sea life.

Info QUI

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